Publication 2020

BiPoCo 2020 Publication opportunities

All participants with an oral or poster presentation are invited to submit contributions to a Special Issue on “Macromolecular chemistry for future designer polymers: Green, functional and structured materials across the length scales” of European Polymer Journal (EPJ).

EPJ is dedicated to publishing work on fundamental and applied polymer chemistry and macromolecular materials. The scope of the journal covers all aspects of polymer synthesis, development of bio-based or renewable polymers, stimuli-responsive systems, polymer bio-hybrids as well as the biomedical application of polymers, including drug delivery and regenerative medicine.

The impact factor of the journal is now 3.621 (2018). The papers of the first special issue have been cited almost 1000 times (90 citations per paper on average), while the second special issue gained so far 470 citations (an average of 21 citations per paper), the third one gained more than 200 citations (an average of 10 citations per paper). Some papers are in the top 25 of the most downloaded articles of the journal (

Special section published in 2013:

Special section published in 2015:

Special section published in 2017:

Virtual special issue published in 2019:

The top cited papers (more than 50 citations per paper) of the first three special issues are listed below with the number of citations.

Authors Title Year Citations
Lange, H., Decina, S., Crestini, C. Oxidative upgrade of lignin – Recent routes reviewed 2013 213
Imre, B., Pukánszky, B. Compatibilization in bio-based and biodegradable polymer blends 2013 211
Aouf, C., Nouailhas, H., Fache, M., Caillol, S., Boutevin, B., Fulcrand, H. Multi-functionalization of gallic acid. Synthesis of a novel bio-based epoxy resin 2013 129
Cinelli, P., Anguillesi, I., Lazzeri, A. Green synthesis of flexible polyurethane foams from liquefied lignin 2013 127
Mosiewicki, M.A., Aranguren, M.I. A short review on novel biocomposites based on plant oil precursors 2013 117
Fache, M., Boutevin, B., Caillol, S. Vanillin, a key-intermediate of biobased polymers 2015 89
Csikós, Á., Faludi, G., Domján, A.,  Renner, K., Móczó, J., Pukánszky, B. Modification of interfacial adhesion with a functionalized polymer in PLA/wood composites 2015 55
Kun, D., Pukánszky, B. Polymer/lignin blends: interactions, properties, applications 2017 59
Fache, M., Viola, A., Auvergne, R., Boutevin, B., Caillol, S. Biobased epoxy thermosets from vanillin-derived oligomers 2015 51

The forthcoming special issue will include a few invited feature and review articles and original research papers. All submitted papers will undergo the standard rigorous peer review process of the journal. Manuscripts can be submitted through the website of the journal from August 1 until September 30, 2020. The deadline will be strictly enforced to meet the publication schedule. Final decision will be made on all manuscripts by February 28, 2021.

Submission deadline: September 30, 2020

Acceptance deadline: February 28, 2021

Guest editors: Benjámin Gyarmati, Béla Pukánszky

Overseeing Editor: Prof. Richard Hoogenboom